American Journal of Clinical Case Reports


International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

American Journal of Clinical Case Reports
(ISSN: 2766-5844)

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American Journal of Clinical Case Reports

American Journal of Clinical Case Reports (ISSN 2766-5844) is an open international access journal exclusively publishes case reports and all type of articles in all the aspects of all medical and clinical departments.

American Journal of Clinical Case Reports (ISSN 2766-5844) is an international open access journal exclusively publishes case reports and all type of articles including original research and review articles in all the aspects of clinical and medical divisions. All the submitted articles will undergo a rigorous double blind peer-review process to retain the quality of the publication.   American Journal of Clinical Case Reports (ISSN 2766-5844) is a common platform for the researchers, clinicians, and medical practitioners to access the several of aspects of new diseases, symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatment options through open access mode of publication and all the articles are processed by in-house editors and external peers.   Medtext Publications LLC has been established with a motto of maintaining standards in open access publication by following the transparent review process and publication ethics. Being an emerging publisher and to be the successful one, Medtext Publications always strive to meet the expectations of authors and readers in making the barrier free scientific knowledge for the global arena.

Journal Features

Open Access

All the articles will be published under Open Access model.

Peer Review

Our editorial team performs strict peer-review process.

Publication Ethics

The journal follows standard guidelines to maintain transparency.

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The journal accepts all original articles, reviews and more.

Editorial Board

Arens Taga, MD - American Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Arens Taga, MD

Johns Hopkins University
United States

Jim S Khan, MBBS, Msc, PhD - American Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Jim S Khan, MBBS, Msc, PhD

University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Hsien-Yuanlane, MD, PhD - American Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Hsien-Yuanlane, MD, PhD

CMU and Hospital

Jeffery Lee Milleman, DDS, MPA - American Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Jeffery Lee Milleman, DDS, MPA

Salus Research, Inc.
United States

Our Journal Indexed in


Am J Clin Case Rep. 2024;5(3):AJCCR-05-1095 | Open Access

A Rare Case of Parotid Gland Lipoma

Ibtissam L , Naanani O, Loudghiri M, Bijou W, Rouadi S, Abada RL, Roubal M and Mahtar Mb

It is quite uncommon for lipomas to occur in the parotid region. We present a novel case and evaluate the ...

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Benign Oral Lesions, Rare in Newborns: Fordyce Granules

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