American Journal of Clinical Surgery


International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

American Journal of Clinical Surgery

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American Journal of Clinical Surgery

American Journal of Clinical Surgery publishes articles in the fields of generalsurgical principles, anesthesia and critical care, emergency care and trauma surgeries, surgical investigations, pre- and postoperative complications, surgical specialties like plastic, pediatric, and orthopedic surgeries, and may other related topics.

American Journal of Clinical Surgery publishes articles in the fields of general surgical principles, anesthesia and critical care, emergency care and trauma surgeries, surgical investigations, pre- and postoperative complications, surgical specialties like plastic, pediatric, and orthopedic surgeries, and may other related topics. Since the American Journal of Clinical Surgery is an open access publication, all the published articles are immediately available for global readers via journal website, various indexing databases and social media.   American Journal of Clinical Surgery follows rigorous double blind peer-review process to make sure the transparency in the process and quality in the published content. With the support of experienced in-house editorial board members and peers from all over the world, the journal promises the ethical and standard way of publication which meets the expectations of authors and readers.   Medtext Publications LLC has been established with a motto of maintaining standards in open access publication by following the transparent review process and publication ethics. Being an emerging publisher and to be the successful one, Medtext Publications always strive to meet the expectations of authors and readers in making the barrier free scientific knowledge for the global arena.

Journal Features

Open Access

All the articles will be published under Open Access model.

Peer Review

Our editorial team performs strict peer-review process.

Publication Ethics

The journal follows standard guidelines to maintain transparency.

Submit Manuscript

The journal accepts all original articles, reviews and more.

Editorial Board

Shuichi Kaneyama MD - American Journal of Clinical Surgery

Shuichi Kaneyama MD

Kobe Rosai Hospital

Chao Li, MD,PhD - American Journal of Clinical Surgery

Chao Li, MD,PhD

Sichuan Cancer Hospital & institute

Chien-Chang Liao, PhD, MPH - American Journal of Clinical Surgery

Chien-Chang Liao, PhD, MPH

Taipei Medical University Hospital

Our Journal Indexed in


Am J Clin Surg. 2020;1(1):AJCS-01-1001 | Open Access

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