International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecological Research is an online open access, peer reviewed international journal which reflects contemporary thinking in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecological Research is an online open access, peer reviewed international journal which reflects contemporary thinking in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecological Research mainly focuses on standards and novel insights in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology and explores the advanced and latest research developments in this field and related academic disciplines. The Journal follows a double blinded peer review process and the manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two reviewers and/or Editors expert in the field of the submitted paper. The journal publishes articles like: Original research article, review article, case report, short communication, case series, letter to the editor, editorial, etc… American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecological Research supports the transformation of research into knowledge and encourages knowledge sharing, collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary science.
Am J Obstetr Gynecol Res. 2022;2(1):AJOGR-02-1008 | Open Access
The Contraceptive Methods Table as Preventive Instrument for Avoiding Abortion
Am J Obstetr Gynecol Res. 2022;2(1):AJOGR-02-1007 | Open Access
A Virtual, Interactive Quiz-Show Curriculum is Associated with Increased Resident Knowledge in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Jan 01, 0001 PDF
Am J Obstetr Gynecol Res. 2021;1(1):AJOGR-01-1006 | Open Access
Reduced Incidence of Early Preterm Birth in the State of Thuringia Following Initiation of a Screening Program by the Government in 2016 for Genital Infection Based on Intravaginal (i.vag.) pH-Self-Monitoring
EDITORIAL Updated Jan 01, 0001 PDF
Am J Obstetr Gynecol Res. 2020;1(1):AJOGR-01-1004 | Open Access
Quality of Caesarean Delivery and its Determinants in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated May 06, 2020 PDF
Am J Obstetr Gynecol Res. 2020;1(1):AJOGR-01-1005 | Open Access
Morphofunctional Study of the Maternal Heart in Pregnancies Complicated by Low PAPP-A Values
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Oct 08, 2020 PDF