International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

Journal of Endoscopy

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Journal of Endoscopy

Journal of Endoscopy is a scholarly, open-access and peer-reviewed journal aimed to publish most valuable research work in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy and related procedures. This journal provides a huge spectrum of scientific quality for endoscopists to support the researchers by providing a global platform for healthcare professionals.

Journal Features

Open Access

All the articles will be published under Open Access model.

Peer Review

Our editorial team performs strict peer-review process.

Publication Ethics

The journal follows standard guidelines to maintain transparency.

Submit Manuscript

The journal accepts all original articles, reviews and more.

About the Journal

The Journal of Endoscopy is a peer reviewed open access journal aims to publish significant and up-to-date articles within the fields of experimental and clinical endoscopy, surgical endoscopy, medical endoscopy. The journal covers all the aspects of endoscopyfrom clinical & medical fields as Surgical Endoscopy, Chromo Endoscopy, Capsule Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Tract, Diagnostic Endoscopy, Therapeutic Endoscopy, Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery, Endoscopic Spinal Surgery; and treatments & therapies associated with endoscopy.

Open Access - Journal of Endoscopy

Editorial Board

R Khalid Mehmood - Journal of Endoscopy

R Khalid Mehmood

Barnsley Hospital NHS Trust
United Kingdom

Enrico Maria Amadei - Journal of Endoscopy

Enrico Maria Amadei

Ent department, Infermi Hospital

Damiano Chiari MD - Journal of Endoscopy

Damiano Chiari MD

Humanitas Mater Domini Clinical Institute

Giovanni Tomasello - Journal of Endoscopy

Giovanni Tomasello

University of Palermo

Juan Bellido luque - Journal of Endoscopy

Juan Bellido luque

Seville University

Everson Luiz  de Almeida Artifon - Journal of Endoscopy

Everson Luiz de Almeida Artifon

University of Sao Paulo

Zhihao Liu - Journal of Endoscopy

Zhihao Liu

Dalian Medical University

Lin Chen PhD - Journal of Endoscopy

Lin Chen PhD

Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University

Zhengcai Lou - Journal of Endoscopy

Zhengcai Lou

Yiwu hospital of Wenzhou medical university

Mu-Kuan Chen Ph.D  - Journal of Endoscopy

Mu-Kuan Chen Ph.D

Changhua Christian Hospital

Yanfeng Li - Journal of Endoscopy

Yanfeng Li

Daping Hospital, Army Medical University

Akmal Nabil Ahmad El-Mazny - Journal of Endoscopy

Akmal Nabil Ahmad El-Mazny

Cairo University

Our Journal Indexed in


Endoscopist. 2023;1(1):ENDOSC-01-1002 | Open Access

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Endoscopist. 2019;1(1):ENDOSC-01-1001 | Open Access

Laparoendoscopic Repair of Bilateral Inguinal Hernia: State of the Art and New Insights

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