International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal
(ISSN: 2692-7985)

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The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal publishes all the articles under the Open Access model to make them freely available for researchers and scholars. The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal accepts all original articles, reviews, case reports, clinical images, commentaries, perspectives and more.

Journal Features

Open Access

All the articles will be published under Open Access model.

Peer Review

Our editorial team performs strict peer-review process.

Publication Ethics

The journal follows standard guidelines to maintain transparency.

Submit Manuscript

The journal accepts all original articles, reviews and more.

About the Journal

The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal is a world-wide premier journal offers an Open access platform to international scientific community to explore its vast knowledge by publishing original contributions in Ophthalmology and its related subspecialties. The purpose of the journal is to emphasize on cutting-edge research and knowledge which influences the worldwide community by accepting documentations in the fields of Ophthalmology, Neuro- Ophthalmology, Corneal Diseases, Ophthalmic Imaging, Primary and Secondary Eye Care, Vision Problems, etc.

Open Access - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Editorial Board

Dario Marangoni - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Dario Marangoni

National Institutes of Health, National Eye Institute, Ophthalmic Genetics and Visual Function Branch, Bethesda
United States

Junhui Du - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Junhui Du

Xi’an Ninth Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Xi’an Jiaotong University

Ghulam Mohammad - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Ghulam Mohammad

Research Scientist
Department of Ophthalmology
Wayne State University
United States

Jinsong Zhang - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Jinsong Zhang

insong Zhang MD, Professor, Chief Physician, PhD supervisor.
President of Aier Excellence Eye Hospital

Mohamed Yasser - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Mohamed Yasser

Department of Ophthalmology , Faculty of medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

Eduardo Costa Sá - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Eduardo Costa Sá

Faculty of Medicine of ABC, Santo André, sao Paulo

Wiktor Stopyra - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Wiktor Stopyra

MW med Ophthalmological Hospital, Cracow

Roberto Sebastiá Peixoto - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Roberto Sebastiá Peixoto

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Center of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine.

Tryfon Rotsos - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Tryfon Rotsos

University Eye Clinic, General Hospital of Athens, University of Athens

Banu Turgut Öztürk  - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Banu Turgut Öztürk

Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine

Sherief El-Said Ebrahim El-Khouly - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Sherief El-Said Ebrahim El-Khouly

Faculty of Medicine, Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura

Kajo Bucan - The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal

Kajo Bucan

Head of the Ophthalmology Chair of Medical School University of Split

Croatia (Hrvatska)

Our Journal Indexed in


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