Call For Papers

On behalf of Annals of Clinical Case Studies  (ISSN: 2688-1241), I would like to bring to your attention this relatively new medical and health-related journal. We are most interested in receiving paper submissions from scientists, clinicians, surgeons, and health care practitioners from many different subspecialties.

Case Studies and Case Series articles are most desirable; particularly those concentrating on allergy, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, diabetes, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, infertility, nephrology, neurosurgery, neurology, nutrition and diabetes, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, oral maxillo-facial surgery, and rheumatology.

I assure you that your submission will be promptly peer reviewed and a decision regarding suitability for publication will be rendered within three weeks of receipt of your paper. I will personally work closely with my editorial team members and our production department to ensure the successful publication of your high quality paper submission.

Please review this website for instructions regarding how to submit your manuscript for publication consideration.There is no submission deadline for any of the specialty subsections of the Journal. For your convenience, you can immediately submit your paper to the posted link below for immediate processing.

Kindly submit your manuscript as an attachment to: Sumit Manuscript

Should you have any questions about this information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at: [email protected]

Thank you in advance for your valuable time and anticipated submissions to the Journal.

For further queries please contact our editorial Manager Quinn Elisaa

[email protected]

Warm regards
James P. Dworkin-Valenti, Ph.D.