International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

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Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Journal of Clinical Urology and Nephrology follows an open access model to reach the readers all over world without any restrictions and strives to spread the awareness of the advanced Urology and nephrology related research that is being carried out globally.

Journal Features

Open Access

All the articles will be published under Open Access model.

Peer Review

Our editorial team performs strict peer-review process.

Publication Ethics

The journal follows standard guidelines to maintain transparency.

Submit Manuscript

The journal accepts all original articles, reviews and more.

About the Journal

The Journal of Clinical Urology and Nephrology is a peer reviewed open access journal aims to publish significant and up-to-date articles within the fields of experimental and clinical urology, surgical urology, medical urology. The journal covers all the aspects of urology from clinical & medical fields as uro-gynecology, mechanisms; molecular biology; recent developments in surgical urology; general diagnosis; laboratory diagnosis; diagnostic and experimental urology; urologic disorders; and epidemiology and its diagnosis, treatments & therapies.

Open Access - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Editorial Board

Yoshihide Ogawa - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Yoshihide Ogawa

Towa Hospital, University of the Ryukyus

Fuwen Yuan - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Fuwen Yuan

Duke University
United States

WEI LI, M.D - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology


Harvard University
United States

Carlo Genovese - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Carlo Genovese

University of Catania

Vaia D Raikou - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Vaia D Raikou

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Kleber Santiago Freitas e Silva - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Kleber Santiago Freitas e Silva

Centro de Estudos em Enfermagem e Nutricao

Eliane Gouvêa de Oliveira Barros - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Eliane Gouvêa de Oliveira Barros

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Sergio Musitelli - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Sergio Musitelli

European Association of Urology

Marilena Gubbiotti - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Marilena Gubbiotti

University of Perugia

Athanasios Papatsoris - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Athanasios Papatsoris

Sismanoglio General Hospital

Guijarro Cascales - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Guijarro Cascales

Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón

Tianbiao Zhou - Journal of Clinical Urology & Nephrology

Tianbiao Zhou

Shantou University

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