J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2024;2(1):JPDH-02-1010 | Open Access
Nilotpol Kashyap, Manjula Das, Supreeya Patel and Nishi Singh
The objective of a root filling material is to seal the spaces previously occupied by the root canal system, and the portals of exit/entry from the root canal space to the periodontal tissues, preventing entry of microorganisms and their toxic product.
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Oct 15, 2024 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2023;2(1):JPDH-02-1009 | Open Access
Nagaveni NB
Fusion of teeth is the developmental anomaly characterized by union of two or more developing adjacent teeth. It may occur either unilateral or bilateral and most frequently seen in primary dentition compared to permanent dentition. Based on the stage of union during developmental stage two types of fusion are mentioned in the literature like complete and incomplete fusion. Although this ... Read more
CASE REPORT Updated Jul 28, 2023 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2023;2(1):JPDH-03-1008 | Open Access
Nagaveni NB
Lateral Periodontal cyst is a rarely occurring non-inflammatory odontogenic cyst most commonly encountered in adults. Most of the time, it is found asymptomatic, and usually found on routine radiographic examination of the teeth. The aim of this article is to present development of a lateral periodontal cyst in a pediatric patient. The article also briefly reviews the literature concerning the ... Read more
CASE REPORT Updated May 25, 2023 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2022;2(1):JPDH-1007 | Open Access
Kumar N and Kumari R
Pre-Eruptive Intracoronal Resorption (PEIR) is a radiolucent lesion located in the dentin adjacent to the Dentinoenamel Junction (DEJ). Preservation of the tooth is mandatory if PEIR is present in permanent molars and premolars except in cases of third molar where extraction would be the best treatment option. In this case report PEIR in the permanent second molar was diagnosed and ... Read more
CASE REPORT Updated Jul 11, 2022 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2021;2(1):JPDH-1006 | Open Access
Vaibhav A Chaudhari, Shyam Agrawal, Rachit Mathur, Nitin Kararia, Ankit Sharma, Dhaval Desai
Aim: To evaluate the pH value and antimicrobial activity of four -Zinc oxide eugenol, AH- plus (Dentsply, Germany), Sealapex (calcium hydroxide based, Sybron Endo, Glendora, USA) and MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil) root canal sealers at different time intervals.
Objectives: To determine the pH related antimicrobial effectiveness of four endodontic sealers.
Materials and methods: ... Read more
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Aug 10, 2021 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2020;1(1):JDPH-01-1005 | Open Access
Frederico Buhatem Medeiros, Levy Anderson Cesar Alves and Paulo Sérgio Silva Santos
Coronavirus disease 2019, also called COVID-19, is the latest infectious disease that has been developing rapidly worldwide and the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) coronavirus 2 has strongly impacted world health systems. Despite the worldwide worry in controlling the spread of the disease, the outbreak is still increasing due to the high capacity of dissemination and transmissibility via respiratory droplets ... Read more
LETTER TO EDITOR Updated Oct 23, 2020 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2020;1(1):JDPH-01-1004 | Open Access
Shilpa A Pratinidhi, Mohak Tilokchandani M, Chaitanya Bhujbal and Siddhi Bhalgat
Introduction: Whole-grains are very useful components of our daily diet. Whole grain consumption is associated with many health benefits. Whole grains also help in the maintenance of glucose, insulin homeostasis, lowering of serum Cholesterol and Low Density Lipoproteins Cholesterol concentration reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Very few studies were done in Indian (Maharashtra) students, so in order to ... Read more
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Feb 10, 2020 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2019;1(1):JDPH-01-1003 | Open Access
Louis Z G Touyz and Leonardo M Nassani
Caries is the most common pathology afflicting modern mankind. Children develop tooth decay in their deciduous teeth and permanent dentition. To reduce prevalence of tooth decay Eu fluoride (1 ppm Fl) in municipal waters is used to minimize development of tooth decay. Few reports record the effect on tooth decay at 0.71 ppm Fluoride in children from 1 to 18 years of age. Using ... Read more
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Aug 12, 2019 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2018;1(1):JDPH-01-1002 | Open Access
Rohit K, Vinay U, Versha S, Akshetya P and Shipra J
The management of an anophthalmic socket requires the combined effort of ophthalmologist and maxillofacial Prosthodontist. The surgeon provides the basis for successful rehabilitation. The maxillofacial Prosthodontist provides prosthetic treatment to the best of his ability. A thorough knowledge of the anatomy is necessary for successful treatment. The goal of any prosthetic treatment is to return the patient to society with ... Read more
CASE REPORT Updated Aug 30, 2018 PDF
J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2018;1(1):JDPH-01-1001 | Open Access
Taneja S
Oligodontia is a rare genetic disorder which is either syndromic or occurs as a separate entity. Congenitally missing deciduous teeth are rare. Not replacing the deciduous teeth can result in compromised esthetics, speech, functional and occlusal harmony affecting the self esteem of the child. Early rehabilitation of the young patients with missing teeth is critical which depends on the age, ... Read more
CASE REPORT Updated Aug 27, 2018 PDF