MedLife Clin. 2024;6(1):MLC-06-1050 | Open Access
Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccination Costs for Internally Displaced Persons in the Town of Dori, Dori Health District, 2021
Introduction: The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affected the whole world from China, which declared it in December 2019. It has progressed rapidly ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;5(1):MLC-05-1049 | Open Access
Benefits of A Multiple-Plant-Based Nutritional Supplement in Older Adults with Dementia. Six-Month Double-Blind-Active Comparator Study
Dementia is a worldwide public health phenomenon, such that the World Health Organization published guidelines for cognitive decline and dementia ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;5(1):MLC-05-1048 | Open Access
An Analysis of the Distribution of Cancer Centers in Brazil
Background: The diagnosis and treatment of cancer is complex and necessitate quaternary centers, which require technology and investment. To better ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;5(1):MLC-05-1047 | Open Access
Potential Antiviral Herbal Therapeutics for Viral Infections
Background: Ayurved, an ancient system of medicine with rich heritage and antiquity, is well known since Vedic period. Viral infections ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;5(1):MLC-05-1046 | Open Access
Histopathologic Features as Strong Predictor of Syndromic Odontogenic Keratocysts
Background: Odontogenic Keratocysts (OKCs) represent approximately 11% of all odontogenic cysts and may be an early sign of Nevoid Basal Cell ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;5(1):MLC-05-1045 | Open Access
Advantages of High Frequency Electric Welding in Comparison with Endovenous Laser Coagulation in Varicose Veins
The high prevalence of varicose veins and the likelihood of developing severe complications determine the socio-economic importance of finding effective ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;4(2):MLC-04-1044 | Open Access
The Role of Immunity and Inflammation in ME/ CFS and Post-COVID Syndrome: Implications for Treatment
Probably one in seven patients who have experienced acute COVID-19 continue having long-lasting complaints, called post-COVID syndrome or long-COVID, that ...
MedLife Clin. 2023;4(2):MLC-04-1043 | Open Access
Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Complicated by Uterine Wall Sequestration
The first description of the conservative CSP treatment complication in the form of uterine wall sequestration. This case presents the ...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(2):MLC-04-1042 | Open Access
Association between Increased Uterine Activity, as Recorded Noninvasively from the Anterior Abdominal Wall at 34 Weeks’ Gestation, and Preterm Birth
Background: There is a need to accurately identify pregnant women at risk for preterm birth as early as possible. Recent ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;4(2):MLC-04-1041 | Open Access
Off Label Use of Buprenorphine for Chronic Pain
Buprenorphine, a partial agonist synthetic opioid is both an excellent treatment for opioid withdrawal symptoms and as an analgesic. It ...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(2):MLC-04-1040 | Open Access
Periodontal Health Knowledge and Attitudes among Primary School Teachers in Benghazi City
Objectives: To assess Periodontal health Knowledge and attitudes among primary school teachers. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a random sample of ...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(1):MLC-04-1039 | Open Access
Synthesis and Study the Effect of Pyrimidine Derivative on Renal Function in Female Rats with Diabetes
A pyrimidine derivative was synthesized by reaction of beta- diketone (methyl 3-chloro-3-oxopropanoate) and quinidine to produce 6-chloro-4-methoxy-1, 2 primidine-2...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(1):MLC-04-1038 | Open Access
Serological Evaluation of Toxocarosis in Amedyia District, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
The ova of Toxocara canis is common environmental contaminants of human habitation, due to the fact that dogs serve as ...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(1):MLC-04-1037 | Open Access
Social Determinants of Health in Term of Resilience in the Ageing Population of Ecuador
Background: Social and economic position, education, work, housing, and physical and environmental exposures are only a few of the many ...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(1):MLC-04-1036 | Open Access
Clinical Pharmacology of Ceftriazone
Ceftriazone is resistant to many narrow-spectrum β-lactamases and has good activity against most gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic bacteria. Ceftriazone ...
MedLife Clin. 2022;4(1):MLC-04-1035 | Open Access
Complex Febrile Seizure: A Case Report
A 4-year-old boy came to the hospital with febrile seizure around 4 times in 24 hours. Febrile is around 40°C and ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(2):MLC-03-1034 | Open Access
One Hundred Years Ago New and Original Way for Teaching, Learning, Going under the Surface
It is the explanation and the unusual and special way through new and original ways for teaching and learning, also ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(2):MLC-03-1033 | Open Access
The State of Consciousness is Immediately Assessed in A Patient with A Head Injury
When an injured person with a head injury arrives at the hospital, doctors and nurses first check for life signs: ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(2):MLC-03-1032 | Open Access
Phlebotomy Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): An Observational Study about Knowledge, Training, and Adherence of Phlebotomists
Aim: This is a prospective cohort study aimed to evaluate Knowledge, training, and adherence of phlebotomists with phlebotomy Standard Operating ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(2):MLC-03-1031 | Open Access
The Effect of Working from Home as A Result of Covid-19
The coronavirus pandemic hit the world unexpected, and to respond swiftly to it, lockdown and social distancing measures had to ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(2):MLC-03-1030 | Open Access
Multiple-Drug Resistant A. Baumannii Detected in Patients Admitted to Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi
Antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter baumannii are considered as most threatening gram-negative nosocomial bacteria, significantly globally known for causing a health crisis. ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(1):MLC-03-1029 | Open Access
21st Century Preventive Non-Medicinal-COVID-19- Students-Model: Improved Med Life Clinics Sciences Technology Communication
The students non-medically coordinate or awareness among communities and other students of the three areas of rural and concrete areas ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(1):MLC-03-1028 | Open Access
Malleability of Stem Cells
This provides the basic energy calculations that lead to life made from Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. The result is that ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(1):MLC-03-1027 | Open Access
Depersonalisation Disorder
Stress that leads to anxiety is the root cause of many mental illnesses. Depersonalization is a symptom of greater mental ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(1):MLC-03-1026 | Open Access
Clinical Manifestations of Gout between Obese and Non- Obese Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Background: Gout is the most prevalent form of inflammatory arthropathy and is commonly associated with obesity which is strongly linked ...
MedLife Clin. 2021;3(1):MLC-03-1025 | Open Access
Effects of the Extracts of Cistanche Harba on the Viability, Differentiation and the Aβ-Induced Damage of PC-12 Cells
Objectives: The Amyloid β peptide (Aβ) has been proposed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer&...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(3):MLC-02-1024 | Open Access
Typhoid Encephalopathy in Children: Review Article
Typhoid fever is very common. A large number of cases with typhoid fever have delayed presentation and many are treated ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(3):MLC-02-1023 | Open Access
Gender - based Research and Women in Clinical Trials: Improving Women’s Health Care
Routinely, research is done on animals and human beings. But both animals and human beings include two species- the male ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(3):MLC-02-1022 | Open Access
Respiratory Symptoms, Ventilatory Function and Health-Related Quality of Life of Arc-Welders in Ile-Ife, a South Western City in Nigeria
Background: Welding is associated with inherent occupational hazards which may result in severe consequences on health of workers performing this ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(3):MLC-02-1021 | Open Access
Surgical Correction of Chronic Disorder Duodenal Passage in Patients with Stopped Ulcer Bleeding
In 49 patients with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer with repaired bleeding, chronic impairment of duodenal patency was diagnosed. All underwent ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(3):MLC-02-1020 | Open Access
Diagnostics of Chronic Disorder Duodenal Passage in Patients with Stopped Ulcer Bleeding
The anatomical relationship of the lower-horizontal part of the duodenum, the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery determines the organic ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(2):MLC-02-1019 | Open Access
Orbital Compression Syndrome a Rare Complication of Sickle Cell Disease in Pediatric Patients
Background: Cases of orbital compression syndrome are exceptionally reported in Sickle cell disease patients. The Orbital involvement in sickle cell ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(2):MLC-02-1018 | Open Access
Chemical Pneumonitis Secondary to Chlorine Dioxide Consumption in a Patient with Severe COVID 19
In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, chlorine dioxide treatment has been promoted as a treatment, however health authorities in ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(2):MLC-01-1017 | Open Access
The Association between Substance use Disorder and Type of Crimes Committed by Inmates in Kobar Jail, Sudan
Background: Substance use is an overwhelming factor in many types of crimes, not merely law violations of alcohol and drug. ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(2):MLC-02-1016 | Open Access
Non-Ionising Medical Image Modality in Brain Tumour
Background: Focal seizures may denote an underlying neurological damage in the brain and may lead to generalized epilepsy if the ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(1):MLC-02-1014 | Open Access
Budd Chiari Syndrome: Review Article
Budd Chiari Syndrome (BCS) includes disorders causing hepatic venous outflow obstruction either at the level of the Hepatic Veins (HV) ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(1):MLC-02-1013 | Open Access
18F-FDG-PET/CT & 123I-MIBG-SPECT Imaging in Melanoma Differentiation: A Case Report
Case presentation: A 78-year-old male referred for diagnostic medical imaging reveals a mass of the left posterior neck which has ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(1):MLC-02-1012 | Open Access
Risk for Surge Maternal Mortality and Morbidity during the Ongoing Corona Virus Pandemic
Background: Attention of government, non-governmental organization and researchers all focuses on rapid spread of corona vires (COVID-19) in the world ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(1):MLC-02-1011 | Open Access
Evaluating Factors Influencing the High Uptake of HIV Testing and Counselling, among Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Clinics in Maseru Lesotho
Background: HIV testing services is one of the key policy responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country Lesotho, ...
MedLife Clin. 2020;2(1):MLC-02-1010 | Open Access
Nanosensors Based on Lipid Films
This review provides information and details about the construction of nanosensors based on lipid membranes that can be utilized to ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(2):MLC-01-1009 | Open Access
Hepatitis B Virus Mutants Resistant to Tenofovir
Hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus that replicates via reverse transcription. The reverse transcriptase lacks proofreading capacity. This increases ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(2):MLC-01-1008 | Open Access
Vitamin D Regulate the Multiple Health Outcomes: Review Update
Vitamin D (VD) is the oldest of all hormones has been extracted from medicinal plants several thousand years. It was ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(2):MLC-01-1007 | Open Access
Assessment of Fixed Flexion Deformity of Knee Joint and it’s Association to American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Clinical Disease Severity Criteria for Knee Osteoarthritis
Objective: To assess the knee flexion deformity and to discover it’s associations with American College of Rheumatology clinical ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(2):MLC-01-1006 | Open Access
A Basic Approach in Sampling Methodology and Sample Size Calculation
A major concept in clinical and experimental studies is the selection of subjects or units for the conduct of studies. ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(1):MLC-01-1005 | Open Access
Identified of Potential Therapeutic Targets for Salivary Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma by Bioinformatic Analysis
Salivary Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (SACC) is the most common type of salivary gland malignancy associated with inferior chemoradiotherapy, which ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(1):MLC-01-1003 | Open Access
Mortality Rates in Cutaneous Melanoma more than Halved from 2009 to 2017: Revolutional Break- Through in Melanoma Therapy or Statistical Artifact?
Based on the leading AJCC melanoma staging system references from 2009 Balch et al. and 2017 Gershenwald et al., comparison of mortality ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(1):MLC-01-1002 | Open Access
Lactational Nicotine Alters Pancreatic Histomorphology and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Wistar Rats
Aim: This study was carried out to determine the effects of postnatal administration of nicotine on the pancreas of young ...
MedLife Clin. 2019;1(1):MLC-01-1001 | Open Access
The Pattern of Cerebral Palsy in Iraqi Children
Background: Cerebral palsy is a heterogeneous condition associated with a non-progressive lesion causing permanent disorder of movement with limited mobility. ...