International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal
The Clinical Neurologist International publishes all the articles under Open Access model to make them freely available for researchers and scholars.
The Clinical Neurologist International is an open access, a peer-reviewed journal launched with an aim to establish a leading source of primary communication for scientists, clinical professionals, researchers who are investigating on the particular interest area and set an international platform with the scientific and non-scientific community. The Clinical Neurologist International Publishes the original paper in the department of Neurology and its subspecialties that includes Neuro Disorders, Brain Tumors, Headache, Brain Aneurysm, Arteriovenous Malformation, Spinal Cord Tumor, Stroke, Memory Disorders, Geriatric Neurology, etc.
Clin Neurol Int. 2020;2(1):CNI-02-1014 | Open Access
Bilateral Paramedian Thalamic Infarcts after Occlusion of the Artery of Percheron
CASE REPORT Updated Sep 23, 2020 PDF
Clin Neurol Int. 2020;1(2):CNI-01-1013 | Open Access
Giant Tuberculoma Masquedering as Brain Tumor
CASE REPORT Updated Jun 10, 2020 PDF
Clin Neurol Int. 2020;1(2):CNI-01-1012 | Open Access
Integration of Palliative Care into Primary Health Care - Model of Care Experience, Saudi Arabia
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated May 02, 2020 PDF
Clin Neurol Int. 2020;1(2):CNI-01-1011 | Open Access
Managing Children with Medulloblastoma Algerian Experience
Clin Neurol Int. 2020;1(2):CNI-01-1010 | Open Access
Automated Assessment of Motor Impairments in Parkinson’s Disease
RESEARCH ARTICLE Updated Feb 14, 2020 PDF